Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bolu kukus

Hi again :)
now , i wanna tell you about that picture .
it is bolu kukus ! i make it with my friends , hard but so feast
not so tasty but im so proud that we can make it by ourself
you can try it in your home
just need :
1. wheat flour
2.1/2 kg eggs
3. margarins
4. do not forget ! a sugar
5. cocoa
6. vanilla
7. ceres
8. milkpowder
im sorry i can't tell you how to make it but i should have the website that can helps you to make it
okay , good luck for try it :D
find another ways to make it in 'search this blog'


  1. wew !
    ama sapa aja tuh san bkn'a?
    lht blog ama lyat post'a dah !
    yg 2010 memories !
    ama bad day jg !

  2. wkwk , ma buny sama marieta :)
    uda liat kok clau ! hehehe
